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Lego Toys are getting more Violent! Seriously?

A fascinating report from the University of Canterbury in New Zealand claims that Lego toys have become significantly violent over time, and are not as innocent as they used to be. The study took into consideration the number of Lego sets produced since 1978, the first year a sword, a halberd and a lance – fairly tame […]


Top 5 best Wooden Toys for Toddlers

Wooden toys are deemed the best toys for your little one for several reasons including safety, durability and not to mention they are eco friendly considering they are crated of an all natural material. This doesn’t imply their plastic counterparts aren’t great such as those noise making robots and cars, there’s nothing that can give […]


20 Fantastic My Little Pony (MLP) Coloring In Pages

Welcome to our page of My Little Pony coloring in pages. Also known as MLP. My Little Pony is an animated TV series based on a line of children’s toys and animated works by Hasbro.We’ve collected many pages to color in, which are listed below. If you’d like to find out more on the characters […]


Easy Drawings For Kids Step By Step

​Help your child learn to draw some wonderfully cute animals with this printable ebook Over 35 pages of step by step instructions will help your child become an instant picassoDrawing is one of the earliest and most important activities your child can engage inNeed some more reasons to download this ebook? Try theseDrawing makes kids more expressiveThey […]


Best Toy Blocks for Kids

Although not as flashy as battery powered robots and video games, toy blocks and other constructive toys have the potential to encourage and enhance problem solving along with spatial skills, social and language skills, hand eye coordination and motor skills and enhance divergent thinking. Moreover, children can integrate their own constructive ideas into pretend play […]


Easy Peasy Cheesy Halloween Costumes for Everyone!

It happens every year, without fail: Halloween sneaks up on you and you find yourself rushing around to find a costume or make a costume. No one likes to feel rushed and sometimes you’ll end up not even getting dressed up because it’s so much hassle! Halloween should never feel like a hassle and we […]


5 Ways to Get Your Child to Help With Chores

As a parent, the laundry list of things to accomplish in a day – including the laundry! – can seem overwhelming. With work and extracurricular activities and drive me here and make me a sandwich, there is little time left in the day for ourselves. But as your children get older, you should be able […]


Best Lego Sets for Kids

The best Lego sets aren’t the ones that make them smile at the box, but the ones that they truly enjoy putting together and make them proud of the results. Most Lego sets if not all provide a blueprint that help kids put the pieces of the Lego set together, while others use them as […]


Best Balance Bikes: Ultimate Comparison

Retail shops don’t stock a good selection of balance bikes, so as a parent, it’s often a painful experience to select the right balance bike for your child. If your local bike shop has any, it’s usually just a small sample of models that are available. Balance bikes are available in a multitude of colors, sizes, materials […]


How to Set Clear Boundaries for your Child….and Keep Them!

There’s a nasty rumor floating around the parenting circuit that children need rules and strict boundaries to become productive members of society. A generation of people saying “that’s how I was raised” is being challenged by co-parenting optimists, attachment parenting fanatics, and a few others that are just tired of doing things the way their […]

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